- 23098 - dizzy
This server is available for use by any Trenchwars clans that don't have their own server. It is freely available for any use, for instance if you need to trial someone for your TW clan, or want a place to 1v1 someone, etc. I only ask that if anyone needs it for a scrim or Clanwar that you respect that this is the main reason I have set this server up.
It has standard* TW settings, Master script and PassReset.
Type /master to admin the server. Master resets when the server is empty. Password resets to dizzy when the server is empty.
It also contains several good TW maps that are not currently served on eC pubs. Anyone can type !altmaps to see the nonstandard maps, they are:
*War Room runs standard Realistic weapon settings, which are used in most or all TW ClanWars. eC TW pubs run a very slightly different weapon mod. The differences are extremely minor but just for full disclosure.
**moatsFIX is just tw_moats but fixed (ie it doesnt have those annoying missing textures on the right side)