I was bored tonight, so I spent an hour or two (probably two) making a REALLY simple soldat admin applet. I didn't want to make a refresh parser in java because I'm bored (after making a java PMS parser), so obviously that limits the program a lot.
The plus to making it an applet is that anyone with the JRE (most people nowadays) can host it on their website with only a couple lines of code and be able to access it (and through it, their soldatservers) from anywhere.
I'll attach the source and class.
http://rafb.net/p/D6zUHZ76.html (and in .rar attached)
1. Should I make a java refresh parser (would take 20 mins, but another 30 to add into the applet)
2. How does the code look? I'm still fairly new to coding stuff so any tips are appreciated.
3. Does anyone care?