ALWAYS use bullet style 3 (Spas pellets)
Put a negative value too low for bullet speed (Eg: -100), your weapon only flies a bit.
Put a negative value at about average (-1000), your weapon can make you glide in the air.
Put a negative value high enough, you teleport a short distance.
Put TOO HIGH a value, you'd teleport out of the map and respawn.
Use an automatic weapon, and you are flying.
Use a semi-auto, you'd teleport.
Reload 0 makes the gun crouchbugged (animation bugged rather). Make it reload 1.
Maximum Ammo possible in one clip = 255. (your "1200" ammo = 1200 - 255 - 255 -255 -255 = 180) Anything more than 255, it'd count back from 1 again. (So if you have 256 ammo, it's considered 1 ammo.)