Hi um i know i have posted this a million times over but wiat i need a NEW clan. One that is realy involoved in the soldat community. And that has Clanwars and such....a server....Basicly a real clan..
Here is my info.
I am 15 years old email is
jason_snickers@yahoo.comMSN is
jason_snickers@yahoo.comYaho msg jason_snickers
X fire is kinkynoob
I have ben playing for about 6 months.
On a one to ten scale i am a 6 or 7.....
I play at least a hour a day depending on if i get on.
I always try and get in 5 hours a week....at the least.
I use the ak, aug, and spas as my primary...
I am traning up in nife snipeing....So i use that alot...
I am skilled with chiansaw.....
And i am a LAW sniper......
The only weapon i would never use is barreta.....Altho i have used it in some CTF games...
Anyways plz help me out with finding a home......