It was just an average day when I tried to log in to Soldat Forums. To my shock I found that I had been banned and I sat there, perplexed. A tear slowly rolled down my cheek. I feebly got to my feet and staggered back to my bedroom, refusing to stomach the rest of my breakfast, I threw myself onto my bed and began to weep uncontrollably into my pillow. I wanted to die right there and then. I stayed there crying, contemplating whether or not to put on my Linkin Park cd at mid volume to keep me going but I didn't feel like getting up. I lay on my bed crying and sobbing until I fell asleep.
I woke up some hours later, by this time it was mid-afternoon and getting dark outside. I felt horrible. I needed a plan to exact my revenge on Soldat Forums. I slumped onto the toilet without wiping the splashes of urine from the previous user off of the seat. "What could I do?" I thought to myself and after a few minutes I decided I knew what I should do. I should make a thread insinuating that it is them that are actually in discomfort and not myself. That would really get to them.