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^<~EFC!~>^<~On the left!~>^<~Base HOT!~>^<~Middle!~>^<~Tunnel!~>^<~High!~>^<~Low!~>
if RegExpMatch('^\^.*(cap|score)',lowercase(Text)) = true then... DrawText(i,'Capture now!',(60*duration),RGB(0,255,0),iheight,iposx,iposy)
if (text = '/orange') then begin taunts_color := 5; WriteConsole(id,'BigTaunts-Color = Orange!',RGB(100,140,230)); end;...if (taunts_color = 5) then begin color1 := 255; color2 := 150; color3 := 0; end;
if (text = '/orange') then begin color1 := 255; color2 := 150; color3 := 0; WriteConsole(id,'BigTaunts-Color = Orange!',RGB(100,140,230)); end;
1. Did you hear about type named 'boolean'? It has only 2 values: true and false, and is much more light than integer.
p_taunts : array[1..32] of integer;function OnPlayerCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;beginif (text = '/taunts') and (p_taunts[id] = 1) then begin p_taunts[id] := 0; WriteConsole(id,'BigTaunts disabled',RGB(100,140,230)); end else if (text = '/taunts') and (p_taunts[id] = 0) then begin p_taunts[id] := 1; WriteConsole(id,'BigTaunts activated!',RGB(100,140,230)); end;...
p_taunts : array[1..32] of boolean;function OnPlayerCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin if text = '/taunts' then begin p_taunts[id] := not p_taunts[id]; writeconsole(id,'BigTaunts '+iif(p_taunts[id],'activated','disabled')+'!',RGB(100,140,230)); end;...
Oh, then ya.. He didn't had an example^^..