Anyway, I was alone.... all alone with only a knife and barrett...
Three enemies aproached me as I fought for my life...
One carried a barrett, same as me. He was foolish though, thought I wouldn't catch him as he tried to duck for cover. As my bullet went flying through what use to be his torso, I realized that it was I that determined if my team would succeed and accomplish the perfect game or fail. As I am sitting, being shot at by some numbskull with a ruger, I notice that he had hit me. Bleeding, and binked I reach for my knife. A throw so swift and close that it gave him a nice shave. Missing by the hair on his head, I run for my life. As I am running I am also being sprayed by the one carrying the Hk... Blast that varmint to hell, the little bugger binked me down to 8% health. Too bad for him, I didn't miss. One last enemy to go, flag in hand, scared and proud; I take the lower route, as he followed close behind, missing his first 3 shots, he was foolish enough to reload. I stop, turn around, and as he looks me in the eyes.... I pull the trigger. The match over, and our victory reached.
Was a great game...