Well, I kinda knew this would happen from the start.
I've completely waypointed Alpha (to the best of my ability). Out of 28 bots, I think about 18 made it to Bravo flag. Eventually, over time, they all make it. The path leading into the middle asteroid tunnel was the most difficult spot
, and the bots have the most trouble there (only ~50% of the bots complete the jumps/jets accurately).
Buuuut, as I used 395 waypoints for Alpha team, duplicating the waypoints for Bravo team peaks the
waypoint cap by 290 waypoints. I tried it anyway, but Bravo team just freaks out.
I've learned a little more about waypointing, so I guess it's been worth the effort (?). If anyone knows how to reduce the # of waypoints while keeping functionality, and then would make the waypoints for Bravo, my efforts would not have been in vain. It would rock to play this map with bots