some of its a little messed up currently so sorry for that but it works for its purpose i plan to recode most of it tomorrow tho
Date Posted: October 03, 2008, 07:41:13 pm
i finally got around to recoding sub admin login so heres the new one
Script Name: Sub Admin Login
Script Description control admins commands and ip
Author: Rampage_TerraniusCompile Test: PassedCore Version: 2.6.3
Hosted by: Soldat Central - Description:This is a small subadmin script i made a while back due to admins abusing their powers it allows you to control what commands they may use and you can monitor the commands they do use
I finally got around to fixing this script up and i might add more things to it still
Sub Admin is now using my Function Read and now organises all admin files into one single file for example coming from Admin/Admin.txt:
[Tyler]39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 1 0 1 1 [Chat]wicked sick[Allowed]/kick /ban /recompile /say /unban /kicklast /unbanlast /banlast /kill /pm[Tyler/]
[Brown]6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9Â 1 0 1 1 [Chat]0[Allowed]/kick /ban /recompile /say /unban /kicklast /unbanlast /banlast /kill /pm[Brown/]
[Owns]6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9 1 0 1 1 [Chat]0[Allowed]/kick /ban /recompile /say /unban /kicklast /unbanlast /banlast /kill /pm[Owns/]
[You]f850038cdc0d2f2820556b22f58c38b3 1 0 1 1 [Chat]0[Allowed]/kick /ban /recompile /say /unban /kicklast /unbanlast /banlast /kill /pm[You/]
It is set up alot differently from the old style
Place Admin folder in your soldat servers root directory
Admin.txt is where your admins are stored
Log.txt is all the logs of admin commands etc...
Place Sub Admin Script into the scripts folder
when you read the settings
0 = Off
1 = On
This is what each number etc means
[StartLoadHere]PassWord Say_Rules_At_Login  Only_One_Ip_Allowed  Ip_To_Force  Dont_Allow_player_To_Be_Banned  Log_This_Admins_Commands_Into_Log.txt  [LoadChatFromHere]What To Say To The Player When They Login (put 0 to disable this)[EndLoadHere]
You can use /subadmincreate username password to automatically create a file then modify from there the file will use your pre defined default settings that you set up in the script here
//Defults for when creating an admin file
//0 = off
//1 = on
FileChat= '0';//what will be said to the player when they login put a 0 to disable it from chatting
SayRulesOnLogin= '1';//if the player will be told the rules when loging in
OnlyOneIpAllowed= '0';//i would suggest leaving this off and setting up the ips by hand
Ip= '';//ip to be set in file i would suggest leaving this and setting this up by hand
NoBan= '1';//if on then the file will automaticaally be unbaned if banned
DefultCommands= '/kick /ban /recompile /say /unban /kicklast /unbanlast /banlast /kill /pm';//defult commands to be given to a created file
LogFilesCommands= '1';//if on then this admins commands will automatically be logged to the file Admin/Log.txt