Live gather! You can now add to a gather from inside the public server by doing !add or delete by doing !del The bot will add you and when gather is full you will be given the server info plus password to join the gather. You do not need to be in any irc channel for this. However and because I had quite many issues with people that were adding without knowing what is all about your soldat in game nick must be in bot's list so that you can use the !add function. Adding from the irc channel has no restrictions though. If you want to try this PM me with your soldat in game nick and I will add you to the list. This works at my CTF server at address: Keep in mind that this is a work in progress and there maybe still bugs here and there but the script does work.
*Thanks to DorkeyDear for making this possible and for any feature additions.
*This is not exactly a server advertisement but I didn't know where else to put it.
*It's real mod.
* You can join #lrs @ quakenet for more info.
Major update!You can now choose ANY game mode you like if you wanna play something else than standard CTF. For example if you wanna play RS CTF just do !on CTF 3 s, where "3" is the number of players per team and "s" the survival flag. If you wanna play a TDM gather with 4 teams and 2 players per team you can do !on TDM 4 2. For more info you can join #lrs