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As some of you have seen or heard there is now a gather bot up in the #aussoldat channel on QuakeNet. Initially the bot will be only for ASF but in time I plan to release it to the public. Here is some information that will help you understand its features and general usage.Soldat IRC GatherBotFeatures:Multi-Mode gathers - Supports all default soldat modes (DM, PM, TDM, RAM, CTF, INF, HTF)Variable player setting - From a minimum of 4 players to a maximum of 10 (Odd numbers are supported for non-team gaming modes)Variable score limit - For longer or shorter roundsBuilt-in game commands - Restart/Change map and Pausing/UnpausingRequest a sub from in-game - Typing !one or !two in game will send a message to IRC with the ip and pass in "soldat clicker" format.Supports one or more serversAll default settings are configurableIRC Commands: !help - Lists all the IRC and Game commands. For further information on a particular command, you can type !help <command> - For example: Code: [Select]!help start!start - Starts a gather in the default configuration (Capture The Flag with 6 players at the time of posting). To change the default settings you can use the -mode, -players and -limit commands, all of which are optional. For example: Code: [Select]!start -mode inf -players 8 -limit 50 This will start a gather in Infiltration with 8 players and a score limit of 50.The possible game modes are: dm, pm, tdm, ram, ctf, inf and htf.!join - Joins the current gather queue!leave - Leaves the current gather queue!current - Shows the current gather queue!scores - If there is a gather in progress, the current map, mode and scores (names sorted by scores) will be shown!info - Shows general information about the serversGame Commands:!map <mapname> - Changes the map. For example: Code: [Select]!map ctf_VolandNB. Map names are case sensitive. ctf_voland is different to ctf_Voland!r - Restarts the current map!p - Pauses the game!up - Unpauses the game - NB. There is no countdown!unban - Unbans the last banned player!one - Sends a message to IRC requesting that one player joins the game. The message in IRC provides the ip and password in "soldat clicker" format!two - Same as "!one", except that it requests two players instead of oneAdmin Commands: If you are an authed IRC user you may control the bot. At the moment the admin commands are quite limited.!shutdown - Shuts down the bot!disable - Disables the bot, essentially freezing any gather queues. IRC commands will no longer be accepted by normal users!enable - Re-enables the bot after it has been disabled
!help start
!start -mode inf -players 8 -limit 50
!map ctf_Voland