Hi there, I want to advert my server I bought from EnEsCe.com for my clan
Because there are sooo less servers with only custom maps out there I thought
why dont make one?
The server can take up to 8 players, but even if you are
alone you can play the maps properly, because I just took maps which are
waypointed and the team with less players gets a random bot
This could be a
good server if someone wants to test a map without endless waiting in the gather
for some dudes to play the maps and it is fun not to play only the default maps
Currently there are no commands for the server, but there will be some in the next
days, so that is not really a problem
Name : [- IKEA -] Public
IP :
Port : 23113
Players: up to 8
Gamestyle: Capture the flag
Host : EnEsCe.com
Well ... I hope you´ll enjoy your visit
Serverstatus:<?php include('
http://server1.enesce.com/gamestatus.php?id=23113&u=164'); ?>