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// Script: "Killer" by Rag // This script will kill all players OR players in Alpha or Bravo or Charlie or Delta or None team// commands for player !killer // for admin: /killer /killall /killA /killB /killC /killD /killNconst maincolor=$0000FF; infocolor=$32CD32; teamcolor=$FFD700; actioncolor1=$FFD700; actioncolor2=$BA55D3; errorcolor=$FF0000;vari: byte;scriptOn: byte;procedure ActivateServer();begin scriptOn:=0; WriteLn('Killer is OFF');end;procedure OnJoinGame(ID, Team: byte);begin for i:=1 to MaxPlayers do begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin Writeconsole(i,'Script "Killer" LOADED.', maincolor); Writeconsole(i,'"Killer" status: ENABLED.', maincolor); end else begin Writeconsole(i,'"Killer" is DISABLED.', maincolor); end; end;end;procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: Byte; Text: string);begin if (Text = '!killer') then begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin Writeconsole(i,'"Killer" is Enabled. BEEWARE on admin xD', infocolor); end else begin Writeconsole(i,'"Killer" is Disabled.', infocolor); end; end;end;procedure KillerAll();varMaxPlayers: byte;begin for i:=1 to MaxPlayers do begin if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Health') > 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') <> 5)) then begin WriteConsole(0,'WATCH OUT!!', actioncolor1); WriteLn('"Killer" in action....'); DoDamage(ID,4000) end else if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive') = false) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') <> 5)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have gotta be kidding ME!! You buster.', actioncolor2); end else if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 5)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have gotta be kidding ME!! You buster.', actioncolor2); end; end;end;procedure KillerA();varAlphaPlayers: byte;MaxPlayers: byte;begin for i:=1 to MaxPlayers do begin if AlphaPlayers=0 then begin WriteConsole(0,'There is NO Players in Aplha team', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(02): No Players in A team'); end else begin if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Health') > 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 1)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'Alpha team: WATCH OUT!!', teamcolor); DoDamage(i,4000); WriteLn('Alpha team has been killed....'); WriteConsole(0,'Alpha team has been killed by Admin.', actioncolor1); end; if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive') = false) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 1)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have gotta be Kidding ME. Ha!', actioncolor2); end; if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') <> 1)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have got luck.....', actioncolor2); end; end; end;end;procedure KillerB();varBravoPlayers: byte;MaxPlayers: byte;begin for i:=1 to MaxPlayers do begin if BravoPlayers=0 then begin WriteConsole(0,'There is NO Players in Bravo team', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(03): No Players in B team'); end else begin if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Health') > 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 2)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'Bravo team: WATCH OUT!!', teamcolor); DoDamage(i,4000); WriteLn('Bravo team has been killed....'); WriteConsole(0,'Bravo team has been killed by Admin.', actioncolor1); end; if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive') = false) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 2)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have gotta be Kidding ME. Ha!', actioncolor2); end; if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') <> 2)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have got luck.....', actioncolor2); end; end; end;end;Procedure KillerC();varCharliePlayers: byte;MaxPlayers: byte;begin for i:=1 to MaxPlayers do begin if CharliePlayers=0 then begin WriteConsole(0,'There is NO Players in Charlie team', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(04): No Players in C team'); end else begin if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Health') > 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 3)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'Charlie team: WATCH OUT!!', teamcolor); DoDamage(i,4000); WriteLn('Charlie team has been killed....'); WriteConsole(0,'Charlie team has been killed by Admin.', actioncolor1); end; if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive') = false) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 3)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have gotta be Kidding ME. Ha!', actioncolor2); end; if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') <> 3)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have got luck.....', actioncolor2); end; end; end;end;procedure KillerD();varDeltaPlayers: byte;MaxPlayers: byte;begin for i:=1 to MaxPlayers do begin if DeltaPlayers=0 then begin WriteConsole(0,'There is NO Players in Delta team', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(05): No Players in D team'); end else begin if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Health') > 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 4)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'Delta team: WATCH OUT!!', teamcolor); DoDamage(i,4000); WriteLn('Delta team has been killed....'); WriteConsole(0,'Delta team has been killed by Admin.', actioncolor1); end; if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive') = false) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 4)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have gotta be Kidding ME. Ha!', actioncolor2); end; if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') <> 4)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have got luck.....', actioncolor2); end; end; end;end;procedure KillerN();varDeathmatchPlayers: byte;MaxPlayers: byte;begin for i:=1 to MaxPlayers do begin if DeathmatchPlayers=0 then begin WriteConsole(0,'There is NO Players in None team', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(06): No Players in N team'); end else begin if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Health') > 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 0)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'None team: WATCH OUT!!', teamcolor); DoDamage(i,4000); WriteLn('None team has been killed....'); WriteConsole(0,'None team has been killed by Admin.', actioncolor1); end; if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive') = false) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') = 0)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have gotta be Kidding ME. Ha!', actioncolor2); end; if ((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') <> 0)) then begin WriteConsole(i,'You have got luck.....', actioncolor2); end; end; end;end;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin if (Text = '/killer') then begin if (scriptOn=0) then begin scriptOn:=1; WriteConsole(0,'"Killer" has been Enabled. Watch out!', maincolor); WriteLn('"Killer" has been turned ON.'); end else begin scriptOn:=0; WriteConsole(0,'"Killer" has been diasbled. Uff.', maincolor); WriteLn('"Killer" has been turned OFF'); end; end; if (Text = '/killall') then begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin KillerAll(); end else begin WriteConsole(0,'You can not preform script, if it is disabled', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(01): Script is OFF.'); end; end; if (Text = '/killA') then begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin KillerA(); end else begin WriteConsole(0,'You can not preform script, if it is disabled', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(01): Script is OFF.'); end; end; if (Text = '/killB') then begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin KillerB(); end else begin WriteConsole(0,'You can not preform script, if it is disabled', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(01): Script is OFF.'); end; end; if (Text = '/killC') then begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin KillerC(); end else begin WriteConsole(0,'You can not preform script, if it is disabled', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(01): Script is OFF.'); end; end; if (Text = '/killD') then begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin KillerD(); end else begin WriteConsole(0,'You can not preform script, if it is disabled', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(01): Script is OFF.'); end; end; if (Text = '/killN') then begin if (scriptOn=1) then begin KillerN(); end else begin WriteConsole(0,'You can not preform script, if it is disabled', errorcolor); WriteLn('Error(01): Script is OFF.'); end; end; end;
78 if((GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = true) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive') = false) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Team') s[k] TNr[j])) then79 begin
well s[k] means sign "=" or "<>" expressed in char.... idk exactly is that correct..?