#Soldat.Multi - Multi Mode Gather Channel @ Quakenet.orgIntroductionAfter years of playing Soldat and enjoying the different mode's and game styles
I decided to create this channel, that provides gather style matches to Soldat players.
I was thinking about it for a long time, after realizing that CTF is not an option,
and considering that there are many different gather channels on Qnet, i decided that
a multi-mode channel will be the best fun.
I gathered a bunch of servers, and a bunch of admins that helped in setting up everything
and Finally the servers are ready to be played on, and the gather bot is ready to be abused.Servers are truly the fastest around, Located in Europe but NA players can enjoy 66-115 ping
that allows a decent, lagless game.Servers and types.=======================================================================================
Name: #Soldat.Multi DB
Server Host/Ip: eu1.enesce.com
Port: 30001
Game style: Dodge ball
Location: Germany
Speed: 100mbit
#Soldat.Multi DB Maps:
db_jones | DB_MadHouse | db_Hircle | db_Grass | db_Feck
db_Desertball | db___k_volcano | ctf_db_CryBaby | CTF_DB_Cave
db_Eagool | db_DodgeballHell | db_underwater | db_Pond
db_Quick | db_TDodgeBall | db_ZDB=======================================================================================
Name: #Soldat.Multi KB
Server Host/Ip: eu1.enesce.com
Port: 30002
Game style: Basket Ball
Location: Germany
Speed: 100mbit
#Soldat.Multi KB Maps:
kb_gaywad | kb_suxx0r | kb_tokyofix=======================================================================================
Name: #Soldat.Multi Racing
Server Host/Ip: eu1.enesce.com
Port: 30003
Game style: Racing
Location: Germany
Speed: 100mbit
#Soldat.Multi Racing Maps:
rc_Airpirates | rc_Arena | rc_Ash | rc_blox | rc_Bigfalls
rc_Cobra | Rc_Cambodia | rc_Conquest | RC_HH=======================================================================================
Name: #Soldat.Multi KV (VolleyBall)
Server Host/Ip: eu1.enesce.com
Port: 30004
Game style: VolleyBall
Location: Germany
Speed: 100mbit
#Soldat.Multi KV Maps:
kv_hall | kv_turnier | kv_beach=======================================================================================
Name: #Soldat.Multi HnS
Server Host/Ip: eu1.enesce.com
Port: 30005
Game style: Hide'n'Seek
Location: Germany
Speed: 100mbit
#Soldat.Multi HnS Maps:
ctf_Nuubia | ctf_Ruins | ctf_Dropdown2 | ctf_Viet
ctf_Snakebite | ctf_Lanubya | ctf_Division | ctf_Laos
ctf_Conquest | ctf_Death2 | ctf_Equinox | ctf_Steel
ctf_Cobra | ctf_Ash | ctf_Voland | ctf_Kampf=======================================================================================
Name: #Soldat.Multi TW
Server Host/Ip: eu1.enesce.com
Port: 30006
Game style: Trenchwars
Location: Germany
Speed: 100mbit
#Soldat.Multi TW Maps:
tw_Anoxi | tw_Bridge | tw_BattleField | tw_Bachvu | tw_caen
tw_Chemical | tw_Dead space | tw_Crecent | tw_Coldmorning
tw_Doppleganger | tw_Forest | tw_Grasshill | tw_Moats
tw_Marsh | tw_Limbo | tw_Mound | tw_Myst | tw_Nomans
tw_Rime | tw_Rage | tw_Paperwar | tw_Stalingrad | tw_Swampking
tw_The stand | tw_Verdun | tw_Tronwars | tw_Trainyards
tw_Village | tw_Windmill=======================================================================================
Channel Rules:No bot abusing
No excessive spam
No screwing up gathers for others, If you have to leave get a sub
Game Rules:DodgeballBest of 3 - Next map will be the map played unless all players agree to play a specific map
On a tie situation Next map is the tie breaker.
BasketballBest of 3 - The are only 3 maps
RacingFirst team that all the players finished is the winning team - 3 Race wins
KVBest of 3 - Next map will be the map played unless all players agree to play a specific map
On a tie situation Next map is the tie breaker.
Hide'N'SeekFirst Player to reach 3 wins is the winner.
TrenchWarsBest of 3 - Next map will be the map played unless all players agree to play a specific map
On a tie situation Next map is the tie breaker.
SoldatMulti (gather bot by zakath) Commands:To start a gather
!<type>on <amount> <type>= Game type db/kb/rc/inf/hns/tw <amount>= number of players for each team
<@mafioza> !twon 3
<@SoldatMulti> Found a free server(1) starting gather
<@SoldatMulti> Playing(TW): 3on3 | mafioza - x - x - x - x - x
To add to the gather
!add<type> - There might be more than 1 gather running.
You can not add to 2 gathers at the same time.
To delete yourself from a gather
!delIf you were the only players that gather will stop.
To get server info
!<type>spec<servernumber>To request a sub
!<type>sub<servernumber> <amount>To remove sub request
!<type>off<servernumber>To see if servers are available and get and see status
In-game commands that apply to all the servers.===============================================
!help - to see all commands available
!pause - to pause the game
!go to resume the game
!map map_name - to change map
!maps to see a list of available maps
!restart - to restart the current map
!unbanlast - to unban last player banned
from the server
/restart in the Racing server to restart the race,
it does not start automatically with map.
Many Many Thanks to:
EnEsCe and
http://eu1.enesce.com for sponsoring the channel with some great servers.
Zakath for his gather bot and special modifications
Darknoddy, Deevus, jrgp, Doof, upnPAD, Fubister.
PerroAZUL for the racing script
Not sure who invented the DodgeBall Idea, But thank you its awesome
W* For the basketball+VolleyBall scripts and the guys from gmg.soldat on Slashnet for the modified version
IQ for the Hide'n'Seek script
Not sure who invented the TrenchWars idea but thanks
All the map makers, you rock my world.
We are still looking for more skilled admins, pm mafioza on #Soldat.Multi.
Also, if you find any bugs or have suggestions please do not hesitate to tell us about it.
I hope to see you all in the channel enjoying the servers!