I have very much game ideas but i think you dont want to add this soon or something i dont know it but i want to write it here... some ideas are crazy i know but it would be awesome... ok i start
First maybe the name can be "Soldat Version 2" oder "Soldat 2"
The game is the same like before.. but there will be features like:
-Soldats (or players) can use/drive vehicles
-tank with a machinegun on the top and you can use the cannon and the machinegun and maybe 2 guys can enter the Tank and you can change your seat when you drive alone.. or something and this guy who drive can use in the same time the cannon
-jeep with a grenade thrower or a machine gun and 3 soldats can enter the car
-fightjet with the pilot the plane can shoot big bullets and rockets
-big plane there can enter 20 soldats and can jump out with a parachute
-helicopter one soldat can fly the helicopter and can shoot bullets and the other next to the pilot can shoot rockets when you aiming at a vehicle you must wait 2 seconds and hold aim and then you can shoot automatic controlled rockets maybe there will come a sound.. and then you know you are ready to shoot
-bike two soldats can take the bike
-vehicles spawn near a base or something...
More Features:
You know the game warrock? its nice or? you get money or credits for killing other soldats and get xp or exp... and can buy weapons from it
It will be awesome when there is a Channel 1 or something there you can play only with a soldat and can drop bombs or something.. like counter-strike
Channel 2 you can drive with Tanks
Channel 3 you can take planes tanks and can run =)
and in the channels there are rooms with maybe more players 0/40 oder 0/60 and there must be BIG MAPS...
And when you get credits or money.. you can buy more weapons i make a list later
or when you have some money or credits you can buy equipment for your soldat maybe body armour or for your head armour
Now A list how you get money from killing other Soldats or something:
-When a soldat kill a other soldat he will get 50$
-When a soldat blow up a tank with a rocket luncher he will get 100$
-When they blow up a Plane or a helicopter or a fightjet they will get 200$ and the money for the killed soldats in the vehicles...
-When a soldat cap a flag they will get 100$ too
With the money/credits the players can buy new weapons
I have not so much Examples but here a little list:
-Dual Uzi or Scorpions
-K1(in warrock)
-M4A1(counter-strike or other games)
-Para(like FN mini)
-Rocket Luncher or R-P-G
When you own more than 20 weapons you have a scrollbar at the weapons menu
players can buy weapons and sell weapons there is a market
Players can register and create a profile
-they can use the old jetpack
-they can only use first without a register 2 colours and when they are register they can use all colours
-They must pay when they want to use all Features or exp boost or something and not with the old register file because one guy buy this file and then he send it his friends... so they dont need to pay and can play it with full features so he must create a account at the soldat homepage or something and players can pay with paypal,clickandbuy(GOOD),kreditcard and more more more..
More newer Features:
-maybe every month there will come one new weapon on the market
-you can buy some equipment for you weapons maybe a scope or grenade luncher for the m4a1 or something..
-maybe a destructible bunker and towers when you shoot with rocket luncher or throw a grenade...
-soldats can repair the bunkers or towers but this will take 10 seconds or 5
-soldats can heal them self with a medipack and it will take 3 seconds
-soldats will get more cash when they win a game
This was all my ideas... its not so much but i think it will be awesome when its come out
AND SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!