Author Topic: Teams get points when a player outside the game joins the game while it's paused  (Read 595 times)

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Offline Mittsu

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I guess it happens only in Survival mode

When the round is over and the game is paused (very common situation in Survival CW's) a player joining the game (some team, doesn't work with spectators) causes one of the teams to get a point.
Example: It is 4-1 for alpha, the round is over, the game has been paused. One of the players needs to rejoin, so he leaves the server and joins it back. While the game is still in pause, alpha gets a point when the players joins the team, so it's 5-1. No need to mention how many issues it causes in Clan Wars...
It's been noticed that this bug can be reproduced for sure only when the round is over and the players haven't been killed yet (there is some time between the team getting a point for won round and all players from that team getting killed to start a new round).
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Offline Chariot

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Yep, I see that all the time. What's funny though is after everyone gets wrong map version, they all rejoin and the score jumps to like 7-0.
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Offline Meteorisch

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Yea it sucks bad.

Another bug that should be fixed already in 1801 :F
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Offline Gnoblar

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Get rid of it. I was wondering why score boards change so much in survival..,