First ( Thank you JFK, i modified your script )Here is your rules script
( It's with a .txt file )
It is Attached.
Want to make a help script ?
Check those following steps, if you have a problem just ask me !
1. Copy/Paste Rules.pas script in a new folder named Help ( In
scripts folder as well )
2. Name the Pasted script Help.pas
3. Copy/Paste Includes.txt in
Help Folder and open it
4. Modify the txt in Includes.txt for Help.pas
5. Copy/Paste Rules.Txt in
Help Folder and open it.
6. Modify it's content for the help you want
7. Open the new help.pas script
8. Modify this part
RulesTXT = './scripts/Rules/Rules.txt';
RulesTXT = './scripts/Help/Help.txt';
9. Modify this part
if text = '/rules' then begin
for i:=0 to (GetArrayLength(Rules)-1) do WriteConsole(ID,+Rules[i],$00FF0000);
if text = '/help' then begin
for i:=0 to (GetArrayLength(Rules)-1) do WriteConsole(ID,+Help[i],$00FF0000);
10. You're done! You have your help script!
As you need to make a Help folder and an Includes.Txt