Author Topic: Idea: Two matches, 1 map  (Read 690 times)

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Idea: Two matches, 1 map
« on: July 09, 2009, 10:32:30 am »
I thought of something interesting:

Why not have 2 different gameareas to play different gamemodes at one time or even 2 different capture the flag matches on one map. There would be a top map and a low map then and team 1 and 2 play up and team 3 and 4 play on the low map. It would be kinda funny to see ctf_Run+Ash on a server like that :)

Well, if it is not scriptable I can forget my idea, but it would really have some advantages to single matches. Imagine you could have 2 2v2 matches instead of just one on a server. If somebody leaves it´s not that big problem since an other player can fill the slot the other guy left ;D

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Re: Idea: Two matches, 1 map
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2009, 04:23:04 pm »
Well, it can be possible with certain gamemodes, but not all. You are limited to one Alpha flag and one Bravo flag, but if you had a gamemode that does not use flags, then it could work. IMO, I just never liked the idea. Others may though.

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Re: Idea: Two matches, 1 map
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2009, 04:47:39 pm »
I'd go for capture the flag with Charlie and Delta. Any of the two teams has to hold BOTH flag to get points, otherwise nobody earns points by the time.

there could be also alpha and bravo shitting somehow. I'd expect small-medium maps for this

dam, I should script that somehow :P