hello. i am curious if this could easily be done. i have a small soldat server currently, it is for the wang clan. i run it and a webserver out of my house. i also have a website that is hosted by freehostia....for free. i want to have a php script have someone be able to upload a .zip for there map, but then i want the script to extract the map into C:\Soldat_Dedicated..maybe i could do it by having php run another program with a parameter. anyways, then i want the name of the map added to a maplist called custommaps.txt and i want php to send a /say command to my server that informs them of a map. i want then to configure arsse on-the-fly to change the map playlist to custommaps.txt once the round is over. then after the map was played if there was more than 6 people(a variable) that they could vote by using arsse to save how many voted, just a textvote if you understand what i mean. then if it is over 50% i want the map in custommaps.txt to be added to maplist.txt....i do not know how hard/feasible this would be, but if anyone who knows something about networking and php/apache and arsse could help me out. thanks.