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In terms of that, I vote either VirtualTT, Boxo, or Viggoloniggolo to remake the default maps. I don't really care if the default style is absent, but as long as it doesn't look rushed and/or poorly done.
Most of the new INF maps are actually quite good, but there are several issues with them all. Ranging from size and FPS issues, they're still not amongst with some of the other defaults such as inf_Warehouse or inf_Argy.
ctf_B2b and ctf_Kampf are prime examples. They are both unbalanced and the gameplay is just terrible. It's a spray-war with a small mix of cheap snipers. These maps, in my opinion, should be removed and replaced with new and better ones.
And there are many players who like the changes.
I should also point that even though there are classics, some of the default maps simply have horrible gameplay. ctf_B2b and ctf_Kampf are prime examples. They are both unbalanced and the gameplay is just terrible. It's a spray-war with a small mix of cheap snipers.
Lastly, a lot of the newer added maps are just bad. I don't know any other way to put it. The gameplay is bad, the maps themselves are poorly constructed with a lack of effort to make them look nice, and look like utter crap.