Author Topic: ctf_NoMap  (Read 7523 times)

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Offline Lemony

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Re: ctf_NoMap
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2010, 05:29:21 pm »
Just wanted to post my views on mapping here, my views stretch across different opinions.

In terms of remaking, I'm not against it.  However, all the remakes or scenery and polygon redoes have been atrocious.  ctf_Laos and many very popular and great maps have just been ruined.  The visuals are just awful and the gameplay has been altered.  Not just that map, but every default CTF that has been touched has been affected by this.

So if remaking must be done, so be it, but only by those who have considerably high mapping skills, abilities, and experience.  In terms of that, I vote either VirtualTT, Boxo, or Viggoloniggolo to remake the default maps.  I don't really care if the default style is absent, but as long as it doesn't look rushed and/or poorly done.

I should also point that even though there are classics, some of the default maps simply have horrible gameplay.  ctf_B2b and ctf_Kampf are prime examples.  They are both unbalanced and the gameplay is just terrible.  It's a spray-war with a small mix of cheap snipers.

These maps, in my opinion, should be removed and replaced with new and better ones.  There's plenty of great custom CTF maps out there that can take their place.  I can suggest some of Wraithlike's recent works, Boxo's older stuff, and even grand_diablo.

Lastly, a lot of the newer added maps are just bad.  I don't know any other way to put it.  The gameplay is bad, the maps themselves are poorly constructed with a lack of effort to make them look nice, and look like utter crap.

Most of the new INF maps are actually quite good, but there are several issues with them all.  Ranging from size and FPS issues, they're still not amongst with some of the other defaults such as inf_Warehouse or inf_Argy. 

The rest of them are just poor decisions.  It's fine if a CTF map that has flag-throwing tactics is added, but one is enough.  If there's going to be innovative maps, then there should only one of it's kind to make it unique and popular.  I'm not even going to mention the HTF maps.  I think they should speak for themselves.     

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: ctf_NoMap
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2010, 06:19:18 pm »
In terms of that, I vote either VirtualTT, Boxo, or Viggoloniggolo to remake the default maps.  I don't really care if the default style is absent, but as long as it doesn't look rushed and/or poorly done.

Huzzah! for this well rounded opinion.

Most of the new INF maps are actually quite good, but there are several issues with them all.  Ranging from size and FPS issues, they're still not amongst with some of the other defaults such as inf_Warehouse or inf_Argy.

You get an e-five. When I played inf_Fortress online with folks... ah good memories.

Offline smiluu

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Re: ctf_NoMap
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2010, 08:21:12 pm »
Visual polishing is forgivable, as long as they don't go worse or wreck the old atmosphere with
something so meaningless as loner has shown us in his remakes. Who ever recolored nuubia to it's
current pale version must've been an intense genious. Layout fixes are natural, but so far
nobody has been able to do that without smudging something else on the journey.

ctf_B2b and ctf_Kampf are prime examples.  They are both unbalanced and the gameplay is just terrible. It's a spray-war with a small mix of cheap snipers. These maps, in my opinion, should be removed and replaced with new and better ones.
This opinion of yours is in equal terms with miscategorized car-b***h. But good lucky you - theres lots of roots for you, because apperantly
everyone thinks the only way to make Soldat better is either redo, replace or remove things. Replacing is utterly bulls**t, unless
theres a strict limit under pressure of fatal consequences set on default maps. Removing is way too short-tempered resolve,
unless we talk about maps like ctf_X that was included in maplist due no reason. If I'd have to pick the poison, I'd go with redo.
Because, that's actually only way (from these three choises) to revive a failure. But forcing yourselves to dig every possible flaw
and visual irritant from every last map simultaneously with bunch of people unable to prevent the whole thing to get out your
hands is ridicilious and a threat for Soldat.

And there are many players who like the changes.
We received a pile of new maps, did we not?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 08:24:54 pm by smiluu »

Offline Boots

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Re: ctf_NoMap
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2010, 02:08:01 am »
b2b and kampf are great maps and are still played. why would they be removed?
in some cw's teams may pick kampf, because they want to defend after just winning the previous map.

b2b was a classic in Australia. was our tiebreaker map for ages, until we moved to mIRC..
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I think she's serious
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Offline Suowarrior

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Re: ctf_NoMap
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2010, 03:46:14 am »
I should also point that even though there are classics, some of the default maps simply have horrible gameplay.  ctf_B2b and ctf_Kampf are prime examples.  They are both unbalanced and the gameplay is just terrible.  It's a spray-war with a small mix of cheap snipers.

Variety is one important factor we want to keep. At the moment Kampf is one of the uniquest maps in default maplist. Also it allows chance for underdog clan to win map by one lucky cap and with defensive play, not like Guardian where you know the winner if the clans' skills aren't equal.

Lastly, a lot of the newer added maps are just bad.  I don't know any other way to put it.  The gameplay is bad, the maps themselves are poorly constructed with a lack of effort to make them look nice, and look like utter crap.

If you meant with this 1.5 added maps:

Unlike other gamemodes ctf is having well organized league with numerous of players and they should be listened in addition with public players. What we can't get from public servers are stats: which maps are liked and which are hated. In sctfl or esctfl we can get stats which maps are played and which aren't. Many new maps are very successful in those stats. That doesn't mean I love every new map but in general clans play them, if they play them, they propably like them.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 04:42:52 am by Suowarrior »

Offline Lemony

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Re: ctf_NoMap
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2010, 11:05:43 am »
I agree that variety is a good thing, but only if the gameplay is equal.  I believe there should be asymmetrical maps in the default map list, but have it so cleverly designed that it's equal for both teams.