Author Topic: USM 2? Would anyone be interested?  (Read 1257 times)

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Offline The Bone Collector

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USM 2? Would anyone be interested?
« on: March 10, 2010, 07:43:18 am »
Its been almost a year or two since I've posted more than one a week on this forum, and I've recently been getting back into the playing of Soldat. I still suck balls at the game, but I like to think that my video editing skills have improved. Those of you who were around a few years back, when I made the 'Ultimate Soldat Moments' video... would remember I was pretty... bad at editing. I've been away attempting real-life action films, and I'm currently looking for some editing practice.
Heres a link to the Ultimate Soldat Moments thread:

What I would like to do, is make another Soldat Forums - Community style video. More epicness, better music... and even better kills. That would mean, getting some of you to dig through all of your old Demo files and zipping them up!

So... the question is: Would you like to see an USM2?
Just another soul to burn.

Offline demoniac93

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Re: USM 2? Would anyone be interested?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2010, 07:52:15 am »
Wish I had good enough pings to record demos without warping like a goddamn spaceship :/