Author Topic: Spawns  (Read 3566 times)

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Offline Hacktank

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« on: April 11, 2010, 02:19:12 am »
Script Name: Spawns
Script Description Create and edit default spawns and create real item spawns!
Author: Hacktank
Compile Test: Passed
Core Version: 2.6.5
Hosted by: Soldat Central -

Full Description:


Spawns adds a whole new dimension of customizability for server
admins. It allows you to not only edit existing map spawns (spawn
points of players, kits, flags ect), it allows you to create them. And on
top of that it allows you to create highly customized spawns for ANY
type of item guns, kits, even stat guns if your crazy.

All spawns are per map and are automatically saved and loaded.

To get started editing default spawns (ones that are already in
the map):
First you need the ID of the spawn you want to edit. This can be
found by typing /showspawns <spawntype>. Doing this will show you
a list of spawns of that type with their ids, locations, and it will indicate
witch is closest.

After you have the ID you can use the following command:
/editspawn xoffset yoffset active ID
xoffset: the offset of the spawns current x position, for example
putting 30 here will make the spawn be 30 pixils to the right of the pre-editited position.
yoffset: same as xoffset but for the vertical axis, (fyi, a soldat is 22
pixils high, positive yoffest means DOWN)
active: weather or not the spawn is active, 0=inactive anything else is active
ID: the id you got from the above method.

Hit enter and your good to go, it autosaves the new spawn. But lets
say you messed up? You want to undo that spawn edit? Use the
command /dellastspawn and it will delete the most recent spawn.

Creating a new spawn is much like editing an existing one:
Do the exact same thing as editing but use the following command:
/createspawn xoffset yoffset style [active ID]
(paramaters in braces are optional, adding an ID in creation is editing but relative to PLAYERS position and you can change the style)
The paramaters are the same except for the presence of style and the offests are relative to you
style: the style of the spawn, for example bravo, delta, predator, vest,
red flag. If you are using a spawn name that has a space in it you must surround it with quotations (")

Item spawns are fairly similar to normal spawns. The difference
is you have more customizability with item spawns. You create them
with the command:
/createitemspawn xoffset yoffset style mintime maxtime
xoffset: same as map spawns
yoffset: same as map spawns
style: similar to map spawns, but you can have weapon names aswell

mintime/maxtime: the item will be spawned at the spawns location at
a random intraval between mintime and maxtime

Just as you could use /dellastspawn on map spawns you use
/dellastitemspawn on item spawns.

You can get a list of built-in map spawn styles with /showspawnstyles and item spawns with /spawns

You can view all item spawns along with thier timers with

If you have any suggestions/problems please post them.

Version History
Fixed loading of normal spawns
Fixed deletion of normal spawns

Fixed editing/creating map spawns
Styles can have spaces when surround with quotations now


(Size 5.41 KB)
- -

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« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 11:27:59 pm by Hacktank »


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Re: Spawns
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 08:42:39 am »
Amazing. I love it :)

Offline the halo fan

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Re: Spawns
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 01:33:46 pm »
can you explain the save and load funtion some more does it save some were and when you turn off server then turn it on later like do set to default map spawn and if you want your soldat spawn point you load it or is it permanently it map file

Offline Hacktank

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Re: Spawns
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 02:11:17 pm »
It saves a custom file with all the spawns in it inside the script folder with the script itsself. It autosaves every time you add/delete/edit e a spawn, and it autoloads when the map starts.

Also, SoldatCentral is fixed, uploaded.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 02:16:34 pm by Hacktank »

Offline the halo fan

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Re: Spawns
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 03:13:24 pm »
so if you deactivate script default map spawns are back

Offline squiddy

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Re: Spawns
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2010, 03:30:18 pm »
When you said to me  yesterday, that you were "about to release a massive script", I had no clue you meant "now" :P

Nice Script, Hack :] - The brazilian Soldat community.

Offline Hacktank

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Re: Spawns
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2010, 05:50:56 pm »
so if you deactivate script default map spawns are back

When you said to me  yesterday, that you were "about to release a massive script", I had no clue you meant "now" :P

Nice Script, Hack :]

I mean what i say and i say what i mean,  8)

Offline Hacktank

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Re: Spawns
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2010, 10:07:32 pm »
Major update!

Fixed editing/creating map spawns
Styles can have spaces when surround with quotations now