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[*] [Error] LW -> (OnPlayerDamage): Out of Global Vars range[*] [Error] LW -> (OnPlayerKill): Out of Global Vars range[*] [Error] LW -> (OnWeaponChange): Out of Global Vars range[*] [Error] LW -> (OnJoinGame): Out of Global Vars range[Error] KillingSpree -> (OnWeaponChange): Out Of Stack Range[*] [Error] LW -> (OnPlayerDamage): Invalid Opcode[*] [Error] LW -> (OnWeaponChange): Access violation at address 00453BD7 in module 'soldatserver.exe'. Read of address 00000106
The problem is that the script is not fully developed and there are still flaws that need fixing but Cheeser doesn´t want to develop it further. I suggest to learn scripting and do it yourself if you like the script