Just a quick lil' update on the map I mentioned I was working on in the CTF_NORFAIR thread..
Basically I was working on it BEFORE I switched my mapbuilding habits over to 'proper' ones so it was my typical polybugged layout, So I ended up redoing it from scratch (Thus the longer-than-my-usual releasetime. I want to get it RIGHT as possible the first time!)
I'm also working out in my head a tutorial for how I scene, And another on how I find and grab resources. If I do use external textures or sprites (IE: I get lazy and grab existing ones out there..
) I'm fairly picky which ones I use. I'm trying to throw together 'packs' of the ones I like to use often.
Anyways, Enough rambling here's an all-but-finished sneak peek of the new 'Geothermal' map. I've got about 6-10 polybugs here to deal with, And a few snags in some tight areas to improve flow (LEss stumbling around in tight passages