@dnmr: lol ram usage shouldn't be that huge of a deal with it comes to non-huge configurations (what type of configuration would take enough ram usage to become of concern?
@dnmr: ini files make it so the script can be easily configured by somebody who does not know anything about scripting (despite how easy it is to open up and edit constants
Depending on your functionality, dynamic or static arrays may be more appropriate.
Depending on how your ini looks, and how you want the variables to look and be accessed, things could look differently. For example, you could load the whole ini: categorys, keys and values all; and then just create a search function that "index"es them by a category & key when you need a value (although this will also load unneeded values, or may cause issues if you do not check if required categories or keys are existing; also any conversions from string to another type would have to be redone every time. i do not suggest this idea).
I'm not going to go over all the possibilities you could set it up.
If I recall correctly, ReadINI has a memory leak, and should be avoided (until fixed). It may be more appropriate to create your own INI parsing functions to fetch the necessary information.