Author Topic: Hold the Base v0.9  (Read 1403 times)

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Offline ExHunter

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Hold the Base v0.9
« on: June 01, 2011, 03:36:04 pm »
Script Name: Hold The Base RPG 0.9 Bets
Script Description:
This Mode is similar to Hold the Flag.
You need to stay 15 seconds in a Base to capture a Base.
-> More Players on a Base (at these funny Flames) -> Less Time.
You cannot Skip Bases. If your Team owns all Bases, you have won!
(Or your Team does have 250 Points! -> See Flag Captures)
Each Base gives you a amount of Score each tick (every 20 seconds).
-> This amount depends on the difficulty to capture this base.
And there are some spells and a Leveling system with a noob-protection sytem.
Original Author(s): ExHunter
Core Version: 2.6.5 (?? Idk but the current Script Core ^^)
Code: [Select]
procedure AirStrikeSpell(ID: byte; dir: string);
posx,posy: single;
i: byte;
  if Player[ID].AirStrike > 0 then begin
  if Player[ID].Mana >= Player[ID].AirStrike*30 then begin
    posx := GetPlayerStat(ID,'X');
    posy := GetPlayerStat(ID,'Y');
    Player[ID].Mana := Player[ID].Mana - Player[ID].AirStrike*30;
    if dir = 'left' then begin
      for i := 0 to Player[ID].AirStrike*2 do begin
        CreateBullet(posx-80, posy-500, -1, -1, 200, 4, ID);
        posx := posx - 50;
        posy := posy - 20;
    end else begin
      for i := 0 to Player[ID].AirStrike*2 do begin
        CreateBullet(posx+80, posy-500, 1, 1, 200, 4, ID);
        posx := posx + 50;
        posy := posy - 20;
  end else begin
    WriteConsole(ID,'You need ' + IntToStr(Player[ID].AirStrike*30-Player[ID].Mana) + ' more Mana for an AirStrike.',PColor);
  end else begin
    WriteConsole(ID,'You need to learn the AirStrike Spell, if you want to use it.',PColor);
(Code of the AirStrike spell)

Imagine the Idea of HTF (Hold The Flag). A Team have to hold the Flag to get Scores. This Idea is overtaken by my Mod, expect there are no flags - There are Bases! Each Base that you does Hold gives you a amount of Points every tick (20 seconds). You need 15 Seconds to overtake a Base. Those funny "Dummies" are marking the OWNER of a Base (NOT THE OVERTAKE Spot). The Spot, where Bases are gonna be overtaken is marked there, where the flames are.
Point Limit: 250.
Each Base that your Team does own, gives you, how already mentioned, a amount of Points. This amount depends on the Difficulty to cap a base. Those amount of points are different between the teams. As an example: Base 2 will give the Alpha team 1 point, but the bravo team 3 points.

Some more Features:
- a Account System:
Well this is like uhmm... it saves your stats. yeah. Commands:
'/create <account name> <password>' - to create your account.
'/save' - when you are logged-in you can save your account. REMEMBER: There is NO, really NO autosave.
'/login <account <name>' - log-in :D

- Level System:
There is a Level System. For every Level-UP your Damage will be Increased by 1%; your HP by 3; your SkillPoints, which you need for Learning Spells and buying Weapons by 2; your Maximum Mana by 5 (to increase it more: '/learn mana' -> increases by 20 Mana, needs 1 SkillPoint).

- 5 Spells:
1. Airstrike - '/learn airstrike'
Required Level: Required Level: 9 + 9*Level - Examples: to learn Level 1: you have to be Level 9. For Level 2: 18. and so on.
Usage: '/as + direction' ('/as left' or '/as right').
Mana used per Level: 30*Level.
Effect per Level: 1 + 2*Level amount of flying M79 Bullets, AKA AIRSTRIKE! :D
Maximum Level: 5
2. Landmine - '/learn landmine'
Required Level: 4 + 5*Level - Examples: to learn Level 1: you have to be Level 4. For Level 2: 9. and so on.
Usage: '/landmine' - thats all :D
Mana used per Level: 25*Level.
Effect per Level: 45*Level duration; 75*Level% Damage;
Maximum Level: 4
3. Vest - '/learn vest'
Required Level: 0!
Usage: Passive.
Mana used per Level: 0!
Effect per Level: 10*Level% Chance on Respawn to gain this Bonus.
Maximum Level: 10
4. Turret - '/learn turret'
Required Level: 2 + 2*Level - Examples: to learn Level 1: you have to be Level 2. For Level 2: 4. and so on.
Usage: '/turret' - thats all :D
Mana used per Level: 20*Level.
Effect per Level: 20*Level Seconds duration.
Maximum Level: 5
5. Manaburn - '/learn manaburn'
Required Level: 2*Level - Examples: to learn Level 1: you have to be Level 0. For Level 2: 2. and so on.
Usage: '/manaburn' - It will target the nearest enemy (minimum range: 150).
Mana used per Level: 15*Level.
Effect per Level: 10*Level Mana Burned.
Maximum Level: 10

-Buyable Weapons:
For the beginning, you just have the Secondary weapons. You can buy Weapons.
5 SkillPoints.
'Desert Eagles' - Level: 5; ID: 1
'HK MP5' - Level: 4; ID: 2
'Ak-74' - Level: 7; ID: 3
'Steyr AUG' - Level: 8; ID: 4
'Spas-12' - Level: 12; ID: 5
'Ruger 77' - Level: 17; ID: 6
'M79' - Level: 100; ID: 7 (Yea LOL but its too OP :<)
'Barret M82A1' - Level: 25; ID: 8
'FN Minimi' - Level: 9; ID: 9
'XM214 Minigun' - Level: 2; ID: 10
Command to Buy it: '/weapon + <id>'.

- "Noob"-Protection (haha):
+ HP and + DMG 'buffs' won't work with enemies, which are over 5 Levels higher/lower than you.

- EXTREME "Noob"-Protection (awesome):
If a Victim is under attack that is under Level 10 and the bad guy is over Level 10 then this Bad guy will in every case do less than 100% dmg. Its somehow calculated like that: 100%-Level of the bad guy. But this is gonna only to the point of 50%.


Setting up a new Map:

You cannot edit the script before you start to edit it (it will stop the game).

'/set <base x> <worth for team alpha> <worth for team bravo>'
It creates / modifies <base x> with the worth (ticks per 15 seconds) for both teams.

'/spawn <base x> <spawn id>'
it will create / modify a spawn of <base x> (the base must already be created).
<spawn id>: every base can have 2 spawns! IMPORTANT: NOT less but also NOT more. you need to set up ALWAYS both spawns.

'/endedit' - saves your settings and restarts the map.


Remember: THIS is a Beta release. It's already tested. Worked fine. But the balancing could be really "unbalanced".

(btw: Thanks to HackTank for his awesome Random AirStrike spell ^^)

Added to this are the bots those are needed for this and 5 maps those are already setted-up.


Offline dnmr

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Re: Hold the Base v0.9
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 04:05:27 pm »
why the devil is the archive 22.4 MB?

Edit: ok, you have maps in there together with the script. It would be better to upload them as two separate archives imo
« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 04:28:38 pm by dnmr »