Author Topic: Devlog update (2012-04-15) Nothing new except 1.6.3 beta version available :O  (Read 6907 times)

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Offline SyavX

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First of all, here is a changelog of Soldat 1.6.3 beta 1:

And here is a changelog collected from a Private Beta thread {fixes and modifications made for the next version (beta 2) during a private beta 1 test}:
- Fixed clicking "default: 23073" changes the port field to 23073 doesn't work
- Fixed "Bot" icon doesn't display for bots from spectators team in F1 menu
- Fixed Bots game info (kills/deaths/health/weapon/team etc.) doesn't reset after server "soft" restart (gamemode change with /GAMEMODE # command or config load with /LOADCON command)
- Fixed names of players from (0) Player team doesn't display in F1 menu at all or "randomly" overlapping names of other players (regardless of the team) in team-based gamemodes
- Fixed capital chars is subfolder names in readonly.txt
- Fixed wrong flag image source links and sizes in manual\register.html
- Fixed wrong link in gostek-gfx\help.txt
- Fixed some GUI element sizes from Soldat.exe and Config.exe to fit tranlsation lines
- Fixed capital chars in names of "Soldatserver.exe" and "Soldatserver" files
- Fixed 'List index out of bounds (0)' error for empty maplist and 'Loop' option enabled
- Fixed Alt + R sometimes triggers a weapon reload #72 again (this bug probably happens for all taunts)
- Fixed 'Too many bots' error for the 'Bot team' options in a team-based game after changing a gamemode

- Modified Sound and Music volumes are now 50% by default
- Modified admins can now be kicked from console, votekick/ping kick/etc shouldn't work (only external anti-cheat kick)

Offline nosejj

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Is it possible to include the MSAC Installation within the Soldat install?

Offline machina

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Is it possible to include the MSAC Installation within the Soldat install?
Doubt that because it's not devs' source. Also MSAC isn't an amendment for cheaters anymore...

But I can tell you that Mr (MSAC creator) works to make a real and official AC already...

Offline Shoozza

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Is it possible to include the MSAC Installation within the Soldat install?
MSAC will be include when it's ready. AFAIK it's not ready yet so probably not this release.
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