Hello. I don't know how many know about ttw though it is an old mode. Its name is Tactical Trenchwar, we use it to play gathers on #soldat.eat-this! channel. It is realistic, based on teamplay and strategy.
- Where we play it, there are 2 teams playing only 1 round per gather. The goal is to make the other team lose its tickets.
- Tickets ( for those that don't understand ) are like a countdown.. actually in ttw there are 2 countdowns, starting from the same number, for the both teams. How do you make the other team lose its tickets?
- Every single player has a task. The most important task is General. He has the command to capture bunkers. The more bunkers your team has under control, the faster enemy will lose tickets.
- The second most important task is Radioman ( it's nothing official said anywhere, we consider them as being the most important ). Radioman orders vest for general, paratrooper- bot goes for flag, airstrikes ( very impressive and interesting views in my opinion ).
- There are more tasks, long range weapon and short range weapon are tasks that can be used by more than 1 player. The others are special and can be used by only 1 players in team.
- Also, there are ctf flags at the corners of the map, in the main bunkers ( main bunkers cannot be conquered ). If you cap once, you make 20% of enemy tickets disappear, this means cap is very efficient in the beggining of the game.
This is just a description of how ttw works on our gathers. There are tactics to use, moments when you have to make hard decisions, listen to your teammates' reports and orders, and so on.
I hope that this mode will make many of you who read this to at least try it, we play everyday 3v3 and sometimes 4v4. The maximum size of gather is 10v10 and I love wars. Contact me if you need more info about it or anything else. Thank you and have a good day.