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constClMessage = $FFFF0000;varUnpause: boolean;UnpauseCount: integer;function Split(const Source: string; const Delimiter: string): tstringarray;var i,x,d: integer; s: string;begin d := Length(Delimiter); x := 0; i := 1; SetArrayLength(Result,1); while i <= Length(source) do begin s := Copy(Source,i,d); if s = Delimiter then begin Inc(i,d); Inc(x,1); SetArrayLength(result,x + 1); end else begin Result[x] := Result[x] + Copy(s,1,1); Inc(i,1); end; end;end;procedure ActivateServer();begin Unpause := false; UnpauseCount := 0;end;procedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);begin if (Unpause = true) then begin if (UnpauseCount = 0) then begin WriteConsole(0,'GO!',ClMessage); WriteLn('GO!'); Command('/unpause'); Command('/unpause'); Command('/unpause'); UnpauseCount := 0; Unpause := false; end else if (UnpauseCount > 0) then begin WriteConsole(0,InttoStr(UnpauseCount)+'...',ClMessage); WriteLn(InttoStr(UnpauseCount)+'...'); UnpauseCount := UnpauseCount - 1; end; end;end;procedure OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);begin WriteConsole(ID,'AutoGather is running on this server. Type !help for commands',ClMessage); if (Paused = true) then Command('/pause');end;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin//---/unpause if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'/unpause*')) and (Paused = true) and (Unpause = false) then begin //Setup all the variables to go! AppOnIdle will do the rest. Unpause := true; UnpauseCount := 3; WriteConsole(0,'Unpausing...',ClMessage); WriteLn('Unpausing...'); Result := true; end//---/pause else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'/pause*')) then begin //If it is unpausing, break the countdown and stay paused... if (Unpause = true) then begin Unpause := false; UnpauseCount := 0; WriteConsole(0,'>>>Countdown Cancelled<<<',ClMessage); WriteLn('>>>Countdown Cancelled<<<'); end //otherwise... just pause. end;end;procedure OnMapChange(NewMap: String);begin Unpause := false; UnpauseCount := 0;end;procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: Byte; Text: string);varMap: string;Mapslist: TStringArray;begin if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!up')) or (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!unpause')) then begin OnCommand(255,'/unpause'); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!p')) or (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!pause')) then begin OnCommand(255,'/pause'); Command('/pause'); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!r')) or (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!restart')) then begin Command('/restart'); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!ub')) or (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!unbanlast')) then begin Command('/unbanlast'); WriteConsole(0,'Unbanned',ClMessage); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!pw')) or (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!password')) then begin //Password := IntToStr(Random(100,999)); - it used to make a new password, but I've changed it to just show the current one //Command('/password '+Password); WriteConsole(0,'Current password is '+Password,ClMessage); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!map*')) then begin Map := GetPiece(Text,' ',1); if (FileExists('maps/'+Map+'.PMS')) then Command('/map '+Map) else WriteConsole(0,'Map '+Map+' not found!',ClMessage); end else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!random')) then if (FileExists('mapslist.txt')) then begin Mapslist := Split(ReadFile('mapslist.txt'),chr(13)+chr(10)); Map := Mapslist[Random(0,Arrayhigh(Mapslist)+1)]; Command('/map '+Map); end else WriteConsole(0,'Unable to choose a random map!',ClMessage) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!alpha')) then Command('/setteam1 '+IntToStr(ID)) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!bravo')) then Command('/setteam2 '+IntToStr(ID)) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!spec')) then Command('/setteam5 '+IntToStr(ID)) else if (MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!help')) then begin WriteConsole(ID,'AutoGather Commands',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!pause, !p - Pauses the game',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!unpause, !p - Unpauses the game',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!restart, !r - Restarts the game',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!unbanlast, !ub - Unbans the last player banned',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!password, !pw - Shows the current server password',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!map <map> - Changes to the specified map',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!random - Chooses a random map',ClMessage); WriteConsole(ID,'!alpha, !bravo, !spec - Moves you to the specified team',ClMessage); end;end;