So lately i've been paying a bit more attention towards ping warnings players should get.
My server settings are:
Maxping: 150
Maxpingwarnings: 5
Yet I see people having incredible ping jumps of 300+ for several seconds without getting any warnings.
It's the same with the people having a steady higher ping, they do not seem to get ping warning very frequently.
The other day I had a player in a clan war with an average ping of 500+ (tracked player about 5 times(1 track = avg ping in 10 seconds)) and it just seemed he was not getting any warnings for a period, and sometimes just a single warning, it toke over 15 minuts before he finally got pingkicked.
So my question is as following:
Why doesn't it work like it should be working?
Or are there are suggestions/scripts as an solution for this problem?