Author Topic: Bow Arrow improvement  (Read 1267 times)

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Offline ZaG

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Bow Arrow improvement
« on: March 19, 2013, 04:29:47 am »

I have write here in soldat some Improvements:


Bow Arrow improvement:

When I tried the Rambogame, I have seen when I shoot with a bow on a wall, that the Arrow went very deep into the wall that he was no longer visible. then he slowly came out again and then snapped off.

I think it would better if only the arrowhead disappears into the wall and the other part is still visible until the arrow kinked

Grenade explosions improvement:

Me something Noticed as I of this Internet-page downloaded bottom left, the blue circle: that when the grenade explodes the center of the explosive not the point is on which the grenade was. The explosion was 5 pixels right next to the site on which the grenade was.

and? it is in the next soldiersversion this error does not give? Or available for it already a solution

I hape my english are good to understand me... when not please answer and i try again...
maybe here speak someone german:


Als ich das Rambomatch ausprobiert hatte, habe ich gesehen, wenn ich mit dem Bogen auf eine Wand schieße, dass der Pfeil erst rurch die Wand hindurch schießt, und dann langsam wieder herauskommt, bis der Pfeil dann abknickt. Ich fände es schöner, wenn der Pfeil nicht durch die Wand durchschießt (oder soweit eindringt, dass nichts mehr zu sehen ist), sondern nur der Pfeilkopf in der Wand steckt und dann nach etwas warten sofort abknickt...

und wird das in der nächsten soldatenversion berücksichtigt? oder gibt es schon eine lösung dafür?


mir ist etwas aufgefallen als ich auf dieser Seite: unten lings die blaue kreis explosion ausprobiert habe. Nämlich habe ich genau hingeschaut wo sich die Granate knapp vor der explosion befindet und habe dann geschaut wo die explosion statt findet. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass die mitte der explosion NICHT der punkt ist wo die Granate war, sondern ca. 5 pixel rechts daneben.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Fehler zu reparieren, oder zumindest ihn in der neuen soldatenversion repariert zu haben?


and some human give me an answer:


I didn't know about this one. But It doesn't surprise me.

It would be nice if the devteam could make a quick check-up of all the graphics.
And verify that what is shown visually in soldat is exactly matching what's going on behind the scenes. In a pixel perfect way.

It is my belief that many things in Soldat are off.
For example knives. Sometimes they feel "off" when thrown to the right. And do they really have the shape of a knife? Or is it actually like a dot/square?
What about hitboxes? Are they exactly matching the shapes of the gosteks?

Also for maps. AdE told me that when you set colliders in pw, they tend to be off by a few pixels.

Would be nice to get some insight about these issues.
Thanks in advance. :)


my question is:

it all will change in the next version soldier?

as the next soldatenverion There will be improvements in the graphic so that this error no longer exists?

I look forward to your reply

EDIT: fixed topic. This is now only about the "Bow Arrow improvement" see next post for more info
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 01:09:05 pm by Shoozza »

Offline Shoozza

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Re: the new soldat version
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2013, 01:00:55 pm »
Please post only one suggestion per thread. And make good thread topics.

Please add the "Grenade explosions improvement" bug to the bugtracker:

You can try Soldat 1.6.4b4 (beta version of Soldat) to see how things changed.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 01:10:28 pm by Shoozza »
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Offline ZaG

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Re: Bow Arrow improvement
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2013, 01:11:44 pm »
you can do it?
I can not figure mark and can hardly english
