Author Topic: [NVM] RespawnTime, MinRespawnTime and MaxRespawnTime  (Read 2308 times)

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Offline Mighty

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[NVM] RespawnTime, MinRespawnTime and MaxRespawnTime
« on: July 23, 2013, 07:58:31 am »
How do they work? All are kept in soldat.ini with no description. I failed in finding it here as well. Could anybody explain this in detail? I'm not sure if I have the right image of what happens when I change these numbers

Ok that was a bit too fast, I found the answer in the most obvious place: the soldat manual.
Respawn Time:

Normal Respawn -
Time, in seconds, that you remain dead until your next respawn.
Used in Deathmatch, Pointmatch and Rambomatch.

Maximum Time in Team Games -
In team games (Teammatch, Capture the Flag, Infiltration) the respawn system is called Wave Respawn.
During the game there is set a global respawn timer for all players. It's cycle depends on the number
of players in the game. When it goes to zero everybody that have been killed before - respawn and the timer
starts again. For example: When there is 20 players (10 in each team) the timer will reach zero every 40 seconds.
Every 40 seconds everone that died in that time will respawn. Maximum Time in Team Games is used so that this
time isn't too long, it shortens it to the value you set.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 08:10:14 am by Mighty »
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Offline Vos

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Re: [NVM] RespawnTime, MinRespawnTime and MaxRespawnTime
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2013, 09:03:27 am »
Back to scripting again?
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