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(...)Procedure PlayerToCountry(ID: byte; Who: string);var foundid: byte;begin foundid := StrToId(Who); if foundid = 254 then WriteMessage(ID,'Player not found ('+Who+')',Red) else WriteMessage(ID,IdToName(foundid)+' is connected from: '+CountryNames[player[foundid].country],Violet);end;// Default EventsProcedure ActivateServer();begin InitializeGeoIP;end;function OnPlayerCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var i: byte;begin Result := FALSE; case LowerCase(GetPiece(Text,' ', 0)) of '/locate': PlayerToCountry(ID,Copy(Text,9,Length(Text))) '/locateall': for i:=1 to 32 do if not(IdToName(i)='') then WriteConsole(ID,'['+CountryCodes[player[i].country]+'] '+IdToName(i),Violet); end;end; (...)