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function MyOnCommand(Player: TActivePlayer; Command: string): Boolean;begin if Command = '/crash' then begin Players[Player.ID].WriteConsole('Crash in progress...',$fefefe);end;end; var i: Byte;begin for i:=1 to 32 do begin Players[i].OnCommand := @MyOnCommand; end;end.
(15:16:40) [*] [scriptcore3] Unhandled exception occured: (15:16:40) [*] [scriptcore3] Wrong parameter(15:16:40) [*] Disabling scriptcore3
There was a bug which crashed the server on map download
Btw, I am very surpised that no one from staff of SNI Pro Climb server didn't report this case. They knew about this because they limited slots for players for 2? months to 5.
function MyOnCommand(Player: TActivePlayer; Command: string): Boolean;vari: byte;begin if Command = '/crash' then beginend Players[Player.ID].WriteConsole('Crash in progress...',$fefefe);end elsefor i:=1 to 32 do begin Players[i].OnCommand := @MyOnCommand; end endend;
[*] [scriptcore3] Compilation started[*] [scriptcore3] [Hint] main.pas(2:10): Variable 'Result' never used[*] [scriptcore3] Compilation complete[*] [scriptcore3] Loading bytecode[*] [scriptcore3] Bytecode loaded
Server Encountered an error:Privileged instruction
[*] [scriptcore3] Loading bytecode[*] [scriptcore3] Bytecode loaded
Server Encountered an error:Access violation