
Give the Barret full map view range?

13 (20.3%)
51 (79.7%)

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Author Topic: Give the Barret full map view range  (Read 8163 times)

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Offline Raithah

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Re: Give the Barret full map view range
« Reply #40 on: August 27, 2006, 04:57:12 pm »
Jesus, that would be sweet. Line up four or five snipers on a slight incline, and get them all to blanket fire the enemy spawn point at once.

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Offline kevman

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Re: Give the Barret full map view range
« Reply #41 on: August 28, 2006, 12:38:13 am »
Jesus, that would be sweet. Line up four or five snipers on a slight incline, and get them all to blanket fire the enemy spawn point at once.

another flaw, its just not right

Offline Mr. Domino

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Re: Give the Barret full map view range
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2006, 01:16:42 am »
Jesus, that would be sweet. Line up four or five snipers on a slight incline, and get them all to blanket fire the enemy spawn point at once.

On a 12-slot server, a five sniper group gives you just one person to retrieve the flag. Your camped snipers will be easy to avoid just as they are now, and they'll be sitting ducks afterward.

Again, this would hardly be a factor, as Voland, Equinox, and other maps have varying spawn points, different routes to take, and various obstacles to interfere with actually being able to pick someone off from the opposide side of the map. The one map that this is possible on currently allows this already, and if spawn sniping is so effective and game breaking, the servers would be littered with them right now.

Offline glorgan2

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Re: Give the Barret full map view range
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2006, 01:37:15 am »
Okay, my opinion on the barret being able to see the whole map is as follows:

If a sniper can see the whole map, he/she could be an effective scout. Only they wouldn't have to put themselves in danger. They could lie and wait in a concealed area, where it is almost impossible to get at them, then just tell their team where the enemies are. This doesn't work. To give the barret a full range of vision, I say that it would have to work in a realistic way. i.e. If there is a polygon in your path, you can't see behind it, thereby you wouldn't know if an enemy attack group was forming in that tunnel/area.

I vote no.
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Offline Captain Ben

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Re: Give the Barret full map view range
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2006, 01:44:40 am »
I vote scope range for weapons.ini! 0 for unlimited, 1 for no scope, and the more you go the more screens away you can see.

Probably the best way to go about this.. I'm not sure what to make of it, as I would find it really useful and enjoy using it, but then I'd hate it when it would be used against me.
It would also net in a whole lot of barretards as well.

Although, it would be rather redundant if you aimed a shot so far away- the bullet would be pulled down by gravity before the shot hitwhich would make it really hard for a person to hit someone really, really far away.

Let's hope I made sense.