IP: Port: 23073
Gamemode: TDM
Server location: Warsaw/Poland
Time limit: 115min/round
Main script: zZLostE 1.0.6b
Misc scripts: Nextmap, Vote
Misc commands: /help /ready
-There are total 21 rounds.
- Players have to kill zombies in a round.(According to how many players in game. The first is 50 zombies max.)
-There are max 12 zombies pop in a round.(According to how many players in game)
-Every 3 rounds pop a Zombie King or 2 kings in round 9, 18, 21.
-When players pass a round, they will get full HP and vest.
-Player will take 20 seconds break after pass a round.
-Player respawn times are unlimited.
-Players will fail when there is no anyone alive in game.
-Players lose the game if fail 4 times. Add 1 chance after pass each round.
Have a fun !