Gryeetings Comrades!Yi yem hepy to presyent to the you a gryeat Sound Myod packege thyat replyasez ol of the SFX syound efyekts in Syoldat gyeym (Well most anyway) I hev cyollyekted som very realyistic SFX and edyited it for ze Syoldat gyeym.
Ze myod changyes ze followying:
-Gunshyot soundz
-Step, wolk, run soundz.
-Hyitbox soundz.
-Almost all ze sounds except some minyor soundz liyke hurt soundz and chat cyommunikyation soundz.
You can downlyoad ze mod hyere -
PASSWORD: MotherRussiaTo yinstall ze myod just replyace ze SFX foldyer in your gyeym, but meyk ze backup fyirst.
By yosing thyis myod you agryee to ze rules of ze Motherland Rossiya, blyeat.
Alyso plyease myirror ze link of ze mod az it is hosted on ze sendspace whyich doesnznt kyeep ze fiyles for long. You can post ze myod on ze other forums but must provide ze kreditz to ze Motherland.
Udachyi tovarish commrades!
Слава России!