Add in sc3:
property OnShoot
Access mode: RW
Event handler type: TOnShootEvent
Event handler declaration: procedure (Shooter: TActivePlayer; BulletId: Byte);
To avoid having to burden the server apponidle!
function ContainsString(one, two: string): boolean;
Parameter Info:
one (String): String to search in.
two (String): String to search for.
A very useful feature used in many of my scripts.
property OnKey
Access mode: RW
Event handler type: TOnKeyEvent
Event handler declaration: function (ID: TActivePlayer; Key: TKeyEvent): boolean;
To avoid having to burden the server apponidle!
Add old functions: InterfaceText/Image
Add functions ScereryPlace(x,y:single):byte;
Add Procedure KillScenery(ID:byte);
Add the ability to download sounds for scripts.
Fix bugs:
If player joing on server first they are induced AfterRespawn, next Joingame and Jointeam...
Fix this: Joingame --> Jointeam --> AfterRespawn
Fix if weapons mode is active occurs same error when weaponsactive()
Let us moding this game!
And not add the unnecessary crap!! I prescribe sc2 on sc3 and fixing errors they themselves are doing!!
Everyone else scripters write here what I would have you in handy
If they will not be able to add such things, it means that they suck developers!
I preferred EnEsCe. I talked with many scripters and are my opinion question whether they dare to express their opinion here.