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Get a load of this, the newbest clan to have ever been conceived on Soldat - [={(}=]. A group of losers who can't even come up with a decent clan name. In fact, I don't think they should even be recognized as a clan. These morons have a R/S server and actually have the nerve to include "Pro Killaz" in the server name, because you know, it wouldn't be within our youthful demographic to spell "killers" with all of the appropriate letters. As soon as you get into this server you can see these guys whining to each other. I wouldn't ever recommend playing these losers because they obviously cheat (have anti-realistic trainers), but I'll still leave that up to your discretion. They ***** and moan all day about how they "pwn" the other team and get mad when they lose. If you offer to 1v1 them you'll get barraged with "LOL BRING IT ONZZZ B1tcH!" and the like. Their newbish leader sits there on his admin CLI harassing players and abusing his rights like an eight year old would. These have got to be some of the most socially inept losers ever from a woman born. They won't even go to a normal server because they need their anti-realistic trainers to form an advantage against other players, because if you'll notice, they have worse aim than most of the "Major"s you'll find entering pubs. If you even so much as accidentally shoot one of them on your own team you'll hear, once again, "Bring it on b1tch omfgzz! Iam gay!!!" The ass-packing twats even say "LOL GO PLAY ON UR SNORMAL SERVER HAHA R/S PWNS". Oh really? Who gives a **** about some dumbass R/S clan? Nobody gives a rat's ass. Nobody remembers them. Is there a worthy R/S SCTFL? They wish. Anyone who has been playing for a good amount of time can rattle off some very impressive clans - B.H/ES etc. I bet its an embarassment to be in that clan. They'll threaten to ban anyone who they even -think- is better than them. Truly the saddest thing I have ever seen on an online game.By the way, they guzzle piss/beerbong with diarrhea/cover each other in sperm. Yeah, ***s.