Many have been mentioning that some1 should start puttin all the good mods in the format that the mod changers use
Well i've started and have gotten good progress
the mods in included so far are the followin
Original Mods and Owners
Halo 3.5----SeR!@L k!LLeR, v13t b01 and Rambo_6
Mecha Soldat----Lord Ivahn *only weapons have been incorperated*
Heretic----Lord Ivahn
Warhammer 40k---- DeadEye Rob, Stalky, Anubis *All series incorperated*
Unreal tornmatent---SeR!@L k!LLeR
Spec Ops----Field Marshal BM
Eradication Wars V4.0---Numgun
KillZone-----Vltava* only weapons have been incorperated*
Spiked Warrior---Hello There
Urban Angel----Wraithlike
Vietnam war in Delta----MercyM
Unreal---SeR!@L k!LLeR
Soldiers from Spec ops mod---Field Marsah BM
Warriors from Heretic-----Lord Ivahn
Master Chief and Covenat---SeR!@L k!LLeR, v13t b01 and Rambo_6
Normal Human--Unknown Author
Eldar ----Anubis
Space Marine ----Anubis
Chaos Space Marine---Anubis
These mods are NOT mine all credits are to oringial Owners...Except for the ones thats have my name by
This project is
not near Finished but i could use some help gettin the rest of the mods in the soldat commun to be put into a mod changer
Also Another BIG NOTE
The only mod changer i would recommend to use this mod with is LORD IVAHN'S Heretic mod changer so if you don't have it D/l it if you want to use it
And "teh Credits" txt included in the D/l is not complete either so if an item of your is in the mod please let me know so i can make the rightful Corrections
Here's the D/l link to try it;5450753;;/fileinfo.html*Direction for usin mod Put the "Heretic" Folder in the mods Folder in the directory.....And put the "Heretic mod" in the base of the soldat folder Eg C:Soldat*Sry i don't have screens
if you want to see any of the mods...i sugguest you jus search for them at this Forum or
Final Note
The file is Big if you have a slow Connection i'm sorry....I'm not makin the file any smaller...The file is Appox. 50.89 MB......And i promise it's worth the Wait
Edit: Link fixed