Author Topic: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions  (Read 24984 times)

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Offline Akinaro

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2018, 03:53:29 am »
Here's my concept for a remake of an old crappy map.
I think we can all agree it's perfect and should probably be listed as default straight away.

Why you make fun of DarDar map?

It was map made for specific gameplay type, if you would read the topic of that map you would get it.... But I see that reading is hard for you because you posted Veoto map without even properly readying topic(why he didnt want that specific version of map)  and taking in to the account what I was writing(qoute: or at least his knowledge of that remake)

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2018, 12:11:47 am »
Oh, he's offendeding me for free because I've made a Veoto remake and stole all the Suowarrior's fame. OH SHIT!
Sorry Mr. 'soldatsmurf'. Don't be mad. We can change it before the next fame wave aka Steam release.

Comical situation.

PS: I've sent the remake to the devs and they did the rest. The title "RMK by DUZ" was added by them, not me. ;)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 12:22:08 am by duz »
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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2018, 06:57:15 am »
Come'on! Akinaro, keep up.

Wasn't making fun of anyone's map. Was simply making a point. Clearly it went over your head.

The example I provided demonstrates the basis for my stance perfectly. Your argument is baseless & falls flat under the slightest scrutiny.

Besides, I had already given two examples of where maps have been edited & it affected in game experiences. There are more, not even mentioning ctf_Crashed_Bridge or Chernobyl which were removed from the zip.

duz, open that Veoto thread & read the bottom post on page 1.

Look, I'm being reasonable here. You get to edit these classic maps & release them (albeit under a slightly modified name) & the originals get to remain in the zip. Everyone's happy, right?

Logically, it is the best case scenario, too. As an end user I would rather wait an extra 20 seconds upon the initial download & get all the good maps, than have to download each map individually between map change. And I would much rather have 100 maps to experience than 50. Part of what helped Soldat to be so successful is the wide variety of maps. Literally something for everyone.. & you speak of removing that aspect?

Example: Today one might play ctf_Ash 15 times as it is a popular map, but in between all that Ash you might play DesertWind, Cambodia, RatCave, Arena. Tomorrow you might play Ash 10 times & in between play Flashback, Daybreak, Leaf or Rok. The next day you could play another shit-tonne of Ash but also play Arena3, Blox, Bigfalls, Unlim & Bridge. Now project that over weeks and months. Having a wide selection of defaults does nothing but good & keeps the game from becoming stale.

Don't try deceive me saying the maps won't be removed from the zip when the thread title literally says "replace".. followed by a list of unpopular maps as the proposed replacements. You realise those maps look entirely different when opened up in Soldat, right?
This topic has reared its ugly head a few times over the years. I will come out in full force to defend these maps every time.

Now, I've put some thought into this & come up with an idea. Whilst I think the best use of your time (& the most beneficial to Soldat), is to create new maps using more up-to-date methods, I can understand the appeal of piggybacking on the success of already established content. But instead of giving them a facelift, replacing the original & shipping out, why not use an interesting concept.

Think of Mirror mode on Mario Kart, where you get to play the maps inverted..
Using Arena2 as the example, open the map, highlight all objects, polygons, sceneries etc & flip horizontally. I'd actually be very interested in playing these maps in reverse.. Then you would be free to change whatever polygon you wish along with artistic design & you could name them accordingly so Arena2 could be Anera2, or A2I (Arena2Inverted). That way your work can be in addition to, and not replacement of the originals.
(Still don't see the problem with scaling map versions, i.e. Arena2.1)

Please just don't remove/change/replace the originals is all I ask. Let's be real, you guys don't like or even play the originals. Please be considerate of those who do.

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2018, 03:57:12 am »
Honestly I have no friciking idea what you are talking about and what is your point...
Seriously what the hell you are smoking?

We talk here about remaking maps to just look better keeping its design the same, and replacing maps that are not popular with new ones.

If you want to play old crappy-looking map... just download them, they weight maybe 1-2mb No one stop you from doing it, but I can ensure you that you will be playing them alone, because rest of people WILL prefer remade, better looking maps that beside fresh look... are the same: the same structures, the same design, everything the same beside look of it.

Soldat need fresh look and need new players that need good looking game.

Stop crying like little kid and deal with it, that everyone else beside you would appreciated remakes of default Soldat maps.


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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2018, 04:49:05 am »
Akinaro stop talking out of your arse.

Soldat has just had a graphical update giving it a "fresh new look". What is the outcome.. Less players than ever before. Megalol.

Soldat was never about visual appeal. I came across Soldat almost immediately upon its release & even then it was very apparent that the game wasn't about graphical splendour. At the time my friends were playing Battlefield 1942, GTA Vice city, Halo etc.. & yet somehow, in spite of its "ugliness" & competition from far more graphically enhanced games, Soldat managed to attract thousands of players at any one time.

You won't bring back old players by simply changing a maps texture file & doing a palette swap.
"Here's the same maps you played before.. But in a different colour ;) ENJOYYY!"
And the only real way to attract masses of new players is with a sustained marketing scheme.

One of the central components of Soldat's success was the great variety in maps. We should really bank on that aspect, embrace it, & not strip it away.

"You can pick maps like Aero, RR, Arena2, Factory or other crap maps and do a fast replace without any touch in these "new" maps." - Oh dear.

I am not against remakes of old maps. Quite interested to see them, in fact. But not at the cost of replacing the existing ones. Ultimately, I would much rather see new maps introduced in addition to & not replacement of the old ones.

Yes, I would still rather play old_ctf_Viet, old_ctf_Run, old_ctf_Death and all the rest of it. And no I'm not alone in that.

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2018, 07:29:49 am »
Soldat has just had a graphical update giving it a "fresh new look". What is the outcome.. Less players than ever before. Megalol.
So Soldat has less players now because of it's graphical improvement? What?
There's nothing connecting these two things and you argue like there's an obvious link.

At the golden age of Soldat we were all playing on 15" or 17" CRT monitors, where the 640x480 was beautiful and we barely tried a large variety of 2D games to compare to this one.
Now he market is full of 2D games and we're playing on 24" monitors, fast PCs, it's ok to think that the game is ugly after playing a bunch of other games.
It's not about bring back old players as you said. You're talking like devs/community are focusing on bring them back, dude, you're wrong and can't even notice it.
It's about new players. The game remains the same and for the old players the graphical update just made it better.

Yeah, you're not alone in that, we know it, but everyone here knows that this is a veeeery small portion of the old players, which ones blocked a lot of Soldat changes along these years.
I think devs should deal with it and keep changing the game a bit, trying to get the new players in.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 02:22:12 pm by duz »
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Offline Akinaro

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2018, 11:02:43 am »
Soldat has just had a graphical update giving it a "fresh new look". What is the outcome.. Less players than ever before. Megalol.

As duz said, you have no real idea what you are talking about. Last big update have nothing to do with current game situation. It was just first, and really late attempt to bring Soldat to modern era.

I seriously think that you just started playing Soldat because you would know that even before that "HD" update game was dying. That update actually helped a bit to keep game active for more time, even if, because total lack of any proper advertising, 0 help from MM to advertise it more(especially via THD), and lack of major changes from player perspective, initial hype ended in less than two weeks after release.

Soldat was never about visual appeal. BLABLABLABLABLA....

Now it is. Deal with it.

We have 2018, we had few years of big boom of 2D indie games, market is now tad saturated with games. Use your head and look at Soldat not as your toy from the past but as a product on market, look at it from wider perspective. Today game need to look good, first impression is most important, even if main weapon of games like Soldat is gameplay.
If player will be annoyed by menu that look like DOS application, lack of any customization(tounts that need to be edited in txt file, lack of local/global statistic of player, annoying separate setting application, lack of autoupdates... etc etc) he will just go play another game.

You won't bring back old players by simply changing a maps texture file & doing a palette swap.

Sorry but F### old players, no one need them even if it would be nice to see them playing, but if game is played just by old player it will be always in state of stagnation because old players will never want to change anything.
Not to mention that most of old players play only on gathers not regular public servers, because "public is boring/lame" as most of them say.
Well Public is first place that new players visit and because old players are to "proud" to play on public more regularly new players see empty lobby and that dont help at all

Soldat need fresh blood, new players that will stick to it, and create new generation of "old players". And remaking maps and removing old ugly ones help getting them. Simple

One of the central components of Soldat's success was the great variety in maps. We should really bank on that aspect, embrace it, & not strip it away.

1. No. Central component of Soldat success is its gameplay(movement and action).
2. Who told you that anyone will limit map number to some really small number? We talk here about removing maps that are not popular. Ask any server owners from past years they will tell you that most of default maps was not played at all, or played once per few days. Just because you stuck 1000 old maps in game doesnt mean that it will be better. Anyone mentally healthy tell you that is better to have few good made and looking maps that 1000 crappy ones that everyone vote immediately.

Now stop that nonsense, deal with it that people want clean map list and they prefer to get new remakes rather than clog game with old maps that no one play anymore. Feel free to download them and make server with them. Will see how many people will play there...

If any mod is still active it would be nice to stop offtop from now one, because this discussion have no sense at all...

Now to stick to the topic of remaking TM/DM maps.

I though that I lost/removed all my maps but I found in one of backup HDD folder with few of them.

I post them here as reference for anyone who think about remaking them.
95% of them are based on original maps/polygons, but they dont fit to be default maps in any way, they are old and bad made and blurry in hi-res(they where made before "HD" update), so dont discuss that. They where made purely for visual effect/fun.

Just use them to get some ideas or for discussion about remaking those specific maps.

Map overview

KotB - King of the Bridge(its not default map, but base for it was "Bridge"):
Map overview

Map overview

Map overview

Map overview

Map overview

(there is a chance that they can look messed up in current game version +they replace some sceneries so watch out)

EDIT: found another one: Aero.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 12:24:54 pm by Akinaro »

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2018, 02:31:05 pm »
Those maps :o❤️
2002-2007 / 2009-2012
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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2018, 03:40:46 am »
It wasn't my argument that Soldat has less players as a direct result of the graphical update, however, the fact remains that all of that work was done with no real impact on the amount of players. Which kind of blows your theory out of the water, that having fancy new visuals will garner lots of new interest. The proof is in the pudding.

You need to understand that there is no better nor worse, just difference in opinion. I have seen these map remakes before, pretty sure I've played that Blox edit. No offense but I prefer the original look. I'd be happy to host your versions as an alternative to the standard versions, but not replacement of. I don't think these maps need so much detail in their texture or scenery. You have given an almost uniform colour scheme throughout which is in stark contrast to the original. Blox is a very popular map.

Sure, f**k the old players who have stuck with this game for many years and persevered against all the bugs, cheaters/server attacks & dwindling community. Let me know how that goes.

I stand by my view that the best course of action is to create new maps & not encroach upon the legacy of old.

Shout Quell the dissent! all you like, but you won't silence me on this matter.

Offline Akinaro

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2018, 05:10:18 am »
It wasn't my argument that Soldat has less players as a direct result of the graphical update, however, the fact remains that all of that work was done with no real impact on the amount of players. Which kind of blows your theory out of the water, that having fancy new visuals will garner lots of new interest. The proof is in the pudding.
It was "HD" update just by name, none of maps where actually touched beside higher res textures.
There was no ""fancy new visuals"", so your comment is just idiotic. I seriously think that you just born yesterday and saw soldat.

I'd be happy to host your versions as an alternative to the standard versions, but not replacement of. I don't think these maps need so much detail in their texture or scenery.
I dont care if some empty server will have them.

Sure, f**k the old players who have stuck with this game for many years and persevered against all the bugs, cheaters/server attacks & dwindling community. Let me know how that goes.

Lear to read: I was quoting you about "bringing back" old players who left game. But still half of that applies to current ones that are to proud to play public or for 90% just brag about playing. I play in gathers with different nick, and this is hilarious to read and play with you when you dont know who I am. Im not getting those opinions from hole, I take them straight from playing with you or from discord.

Now as I said, just stop this crap. Stick to the topic.

If you want to discuss your feelings about classic map make a topic about it, because seriously its just annoying now.
Here talk about remaking/replacing specific maps, or gathering ideas for them.

Seriously even mods abandoned this forum?

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Re: TM/DM remake/replace suggestions
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2018, 05:43:05 am »
None of the maps were touched only higher res textures..

Facepalm The textures are basically the map LOL. Also, I never mentioned maps in that paragraph. Comprehension issues, huh?

You say empty servers, the console logs say otherwise.

Lear to read? Mate, learn how to type.

I have never played a gather in my life. Personally, I think those hidden private servers give a false impression of Soldat's true activity, but that's another matter.

I haven't had a computer for about two months so I don't know who you think you're playing against but it isn't me.

No one on this thread has suggested which maps they'd like remade/replaced, only Loner who has even come close to it.
