- Clantag / name: |CI| Clan Iq
- Clan leader: Iq Unlimited
Co-Leader: Grim
- How to contact:
Msscrpntr@netzero.com xfire is iqunlimited
- Homepage
http://www.z14.invisionfree.com/Clan_Iqs_Soldat_Clan- Clan age: Been active since June 10th, 2006.
- Favourite gamemodes: ALL
- Equipement: Server(By: EnEsCe
) and we are gettign a teamspeak server started and running VERY soon.
- Requirements in skill and character: at least been playing 5 months (recently added) Xfire. Can download at
http://www.xfire.com- Clan results: Many scrims and such, no wars yet
- Aims of the clan: Fun Clan, no true aims. (just no multi claning, I hate them  )
|CI| Iq Unlimited
|CI| XipHiaS
|CI| A Chocolate Bar
-ESC-|CI| Wong Fei-Hong
|CI|Jack Black
|CI| Grim
|CI| Freezerburn Mebe?
Key: Red=Moderatror Blue=Member Yellow=Leader Bold Red= Co-Leader Navy=Server Moderator
Iq Unlimited