To Start off THIS IS NOT A CLAN...Its More like a Club.
::SAW:: is a group people who love to use the almighty SAW, since I really dont know any saw clans out there, I will start a little club.
1. There is no leader to this club, You are your own leader, if you would like participate in in scrims or activities you may, but not required.
2. This club will NEVER disband unless Elite Soldat Communty Disbans.
3. You can choose to leave this club at anytime, just let me know.
You MUST have at least 100 SAW kills to be able to join this club based apon the you Stats in !Elite Servers.
If you join must have the ::SAW:: signature to you Soldat name.
If you want to join, Post Under Here. Or PM me.
Contact: Through or MSN.
Clan Age: Since AUGUST 2006
Tag: ::SAW::
Gamemode: Doesnt Matter.