Surfing the firefox plugins last night, I found a neat little tool for firefox users. It allows you to check the status of your favourite servers (for the most popular games such as Day Of Defeat, Call Of Duty 1+2, CS:1.6, and CS:S). Soldat, to my suprise, was in the list of games that this plug-in supports, so I thought I'd mention it to all of you.
Instead of loading soldat to check whether or not anyones playing in your favourite server, what map, or whatever (the only thing you can't check is your ping...I think). It is a toolbar that sits under the address bar, and takes up very little room.
Just scroll your mouse over the server name in the toolbar, and the info will come up. Format codes are used in mine, but you don't need to be a pro to set it up. In the screenshot, that is a server for CS:S, because I can't seem to set up a soldat server properly to work it. Have a play around, see what you can come up with.
This is the first step of the server setup page.
I didn't make this plug-in, nor did I have any part of the making of it. I swear their are no viruses involved (otherwise Mozilla wouldn't have it up for download!).
Download Here