Author Topic: Shadow Puppets Recruiting!  (Read 659 times)

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Offline Blade

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  • Posts: 39
Shadow Puppets Recruiting!
« on: September 22, 2006, 01:18:49 am »
Note: I'm not in the clan but the leader has problems logging into soldat forums...

Clan Name: Shadow Puppets ('sP:[Name])
Clan leaders: MikeArrowJoe, `Legacy
Clan age: 2 weeks
Favourite gamemode: CTF
Equipement: Ventrilo (mic if possible), msn
Requirements in skill and character: Decent player(skill can always be improved you dont have to be the best soldat player, be nice and respect people in the clan and people you play against.)
Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?: Anytime Mike and Legacy are on msn.(contact us when you want a try out)
Clan results: We are in TNL-D(1-0-2), SCTFL 9(2-0-0) and always looking to improve through these leagues.
Aims of the clan: we are just trying to have fun playing soldat while still participating in leagues such TNL and SCTFL and improving ourselves.

We are based in North America but do not shy away from european players. If you want a try out for Shadow Puppets feel free to post. I will try to get to everyone and anyone who posts.

I'm not trying to put together a power house clan just trying to get more active people interested in playing.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2006, 01:24:56 am by Blade »