i am new at this forum and have read a bunch of topics and stuff, but when i saw some screenshots,i noticed that they are WAY better looking than the shareware version of soldat. the characters look better and are skinnier, but is that a skin or does it come with it? for example, 13579's avatar has 2 soldiers which look way better and improved than my version i play. also, the terrain looks a lot better, and in 3d. so, is all this stuff in the reg. version or is it modifications? if its modifications plz tell me what they are. another example, in this screenshot in this topic, there's a white and blacksoldier to the left that looks different not because of color changes but the graphics look much better: here it is
http://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=3319.0 another example here
http://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=2151.0 the terrain looks much much better and 3d-ish and does the soldier, and theres even a sky