Way back in the day, before Polyworks came out, I was working on my third map ever for Soldat. My first one was basically an example map, with a few u-bends and a straight away. My second map, which unfortunately got lost in one of my many reformats, was a sizeable assymetric CTF map in a deserted mine. My third one, uploaded here, is inf_Nam; it is a fairly small Infiltration map, about 2 berret scopes and a half in width, with a jungle theme. The design was kind of cool; instead of the traditional CTF like map, I made Alpha spawn near the center of the map, and Bravo spawn at both the black flag in a small fort at the right and the white flag under a small hill on the left. I don't really want to re-make it, because I will probably never finish it, so I'm hoping someone will pick it up and re-work it with Polyworks. You can even use it as it is now, but it has no waypoints and isn't terribly great. I would love to see it re-made because I think the gameplay would be very interesting for the type of design.