Hello im seeking a clan, i have a few requirements if you would like to read them to make it easier for me to find the clan im after....
-Australian based clan (or close enough timezone
-Must be Active
-Must have a decent Forum/Website, and must use MSN or Teamspeak.. etc..
About Me:
Ingame name: Vaughn
Favourite Weapons: Rugger, m79, Styler, D-Eagles (my most exp weapons)
Secondarys: Knife, Soccom, m72 Law (dont like chainsaw)
My Msn:
rs_spoot_thug@hotmail.comWhere i live: +10 GMT - Australia
Favourite Game Styles: Inf, CTF, DM's
I have played for about 9 months now and i am pretty experienced player, i have been in a clan/team but im seeking something bigger, im an all round decent player and i think i would be a good assit to your clan