Author Topic: Sweet Jesus. Campers...  (Read 938 times)

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Offline Brock

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Sweet Jesus. Campers...
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:34:31 pm »
You know when you are playing INF, or even CTF for that matter...  you feel like you're the only one assault the enemy base?  That happened to me today.
We lost a few games, with no caps to show for it.

I told them: "You know why we are losing right?"

And then Taz (you guys may know him) comes in with an AK.  And ohh, look at that we start capping.

Then they start using deagles, spas w/e, and guess what happens?

We win?  Several games.

This has happened to some of you before?  Doth any thee shareth my deepest pains?  Dost thou not knoweth how much it can PISS THOU OFF.


Yeah, I'm done ranting. 

*goes back to his corner of the forums... yes, over there...  Further...* 
"What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a
computer-generated dream world built to keep us
under control in order to - wait, what?"