*ahem* Yes, for a humanaties project, I have to find a union worker to interview.
It's a real short interview, 5 minutes maybe?
If you don't have time right now, but still want to complete the interview, of have e-mail, MSN, and AIM
muk_bond_james_bond@yahoo.comAIM: jamestoby007
By the way, if you're thinking, "Wow this interview really sucks!"
Cut me some slack, I'm an eigth grader =)
Edit: Oh yes, I forgot to mention that it would be better if you worked in the USA. ~~
Which Union do you belong to?
What does a Union do?
Who usually creates a Union?
Are there any extra responsibilities drawn in with the involvement of a Union?
If ever on strike, does the Union help support you with a small pay? Does your job still pay you if you’re on strike?
Is there a specified leader of a Union, or is it a group?
How are decisions made within a Union?
If you feel something is unfair in your job, who do you tell in the Union? Will actions be made?
How big can Unions grow to be? Is there typically one Union per business, or can there be many?
Is it possible to be rejected from a Union?
Can Unions overrule a boss’ decision (such as his firing of an employee)? – And if a Union can, what happens if the boss refuses to undo his decision?
Is it possible for Unions to abuse their power?
Is there a higher group that controls what a Union can do? In your case, which group is it?
Thanks to anyone who helps in advance!